Monday, February 2, 2015

You Break Her Heart, I'll Break Your Face

So last night I gave Maya a pep talk about how Riley and Auggie's parents are not going to treat her the same as they do their own kids, because she isn't. Your own kids are special and you can't treat them the same as someone else's kid. So then I started telling her that I was sorry about Shawn being in the hospital and Riley being a lying actress and all too. She told me that everyone good she meets, goes somewhere and everyone bad she meets stays with her. It's true, we go to class everyday and first thing in homeroom, she sits next to her worst enemy. Then she comes home and sees her even worse enemy, Riley. Then she goes to her actual home and there's her mom who pays no attention to her, hasn't been there for her. I see why she'd believe all the bad people stick. Then the good people, Shawn is in the hospital and may never wake up from a coma, Auggie isn't allowed to be Maya's friend because of Riley, and I'm the only blessing she has, she said. I'm the only good person that stayed. Look at that, I can be a friend and so can she, we work together. So then online she has some people from Google+ (I'm not gonna name any names) like 2 people, only 2 because the rest see Riley as the demon sister she is who are posting things about her and I said it was done. One person told her to shut up because Maya claimed he was pittying on Riley and I drew the line. Nobody says that to my best friend, nuh uh. They wanna say that, they'll regret it. She's my best friend, if you break her heart I'll break your face. That is not my original quote, I found it somewhere so I'm not taking credit for what is also my post title!

See? Not originally mine. There's lots for it on Google images so I clearly cannot claim it as mine. Maya's had a rough day today, thinking about Shawn and that easily brings her down. "Everything happens to me" she claims whenever the topic comes up. She's really hated her enemies today, the girl from school and Riley, hates 'em both really badly today. When that girl wanted to join our "Mission Impossible" group in gym class today, Maya hated her so much, she didn't hesitate to say "Yeah no!" right in front of her and all Maya's group members, including me. Besides for me and her there are 5 other girls in our group. Then after school when she heard someone say Riley's name she almost freaked out in disgust. During lunch she said she hated the girl from school more, then when she saw Riley she hated her again too. She can't decide at this point and hates the guts of both those girls and claimed how similar they were last night. "They are our designated ugly fat friends" she said in the halls at school after lunch. "Dismounting the friend part" she added. She hates her enemies really badly today, she freaked when the super annoying boy from the other class who has gym with us, when she found out he was in our leadership class this semester, she almost threw up. She hates them all really badly today, lots to do with Shawn and all, she's struggling with that right now and it's biting her in the butt. So in hopes she feels better about people tomorrow, she had a lot of fun in science class today with her group with the nicest girls from our class. But otherwise, she's hated many people today. So pray that gets better and I will too!

Sunday, February 1, 2015

What's the Deal with Maya Hart?

Okay so here's the thing with my friend, Maya Hart. She originally came from a broken home. Her mom neglected her and was never able to feed her and her dad left when she was 3 months old or something like that. It was 2 or 3 months, I'm pretty sure it was 3 months. The point is she was little. Then her dad called her all the time and sent her stuff and then over the summer holidays from Grade's 2-3 she never heard from him and that upset her so much, she started misbehaving because of how upset she was. She didn't wanna do anything, so she wouldn't listen to anyone. She made a fuss about everything she had to do. Then she turned into this rebel chick, who's always disobeying the rules and she doesn't believe in them. So she wears gothic like clothes, not that badly though. She was more when she was younger but as she progressed this year, she was less gothic, but she didn't change much at all. So then her and Riley were hanging out with Farkle and Lucas alot. Maya and Lucas were always together and it was sorta off that relationships they had. For the first 2 months of 7th Grade, she hated his guts and found him extremely annoying. When I saw them growing so close, it confused me and I had this instinct that I wasn't even sure what it meant. One morning I walked into class and saw Lucas sitting behind Maya, messing with her hair and she didn't care. When she looked back at him, she was talking normally and smiling. I was confused, "I thought she hated him" I said in my head. I sat beside her, which is my normal seat. I watched them and right when the bell went, I walked up to her. "What is wrong with you and Lucas?" I asked her. "Haha, nothing's wrong" she said all concerned, like she was for me. "Then why were you guys--" she inturupted me right there. "We are friends, you've known that" she smiled as we walked to art class. "Friends? I thought he got on your nerves" I said. "Well he's cute otherwise, I barely hear him talk!" she smiled and set her stuff down on the art table and walked to the other side of the room. I sat down in the seat beside her empty one and sighed. Then after a while, that relationship progressed. One day after school in early October, she came up to me. "Guess what!?" she chanted happily. "By that reaction, I'm gonna guess it's not your mom" I smiled. Then she told me what happened the night before, and she and Lucas were all hooked up together, Maya and Lucas. Something was up. I was unsure about this relationship. When I asked Lucas later that day, what his deal is with Maya. He said "Who Maya? Maya her?" looking at her. "Uhh, yeah" I said obviously. "She's just another girl, you know" he said and sat in his seat. Every day after that Maya was coming to me telling me what they did. It wasn't until November, when I disapproved completely. On the morning of November 12th, Maya came crying to me, saying that Lucas hit her. "What!?!" I cried, I knew I was worried for something. "It wasn't hard, he didn't want me to be hurt, he just wanted me to feel bad" she cried. Tears were streaming down her white face, I hugged her and looked straight at her. I held her shoulders and looked her dead in the eyes. "You listen to me, and you listen good" I said. She nodded, she seemed a bit afraid of me, but Maya Hart's not afraid of anyone. Except from that moment forward, she was. After being hit by Lucas, she realized she wasn't all powerful and she became more afraid of everyone. "You have to swear on both of our lives, that you will never do that ever again" I said firmly. "Do what?" she cried. "Go with him, any night, any day" I said. "O-Okay" she said, wiping away her tears. "Good" I let go of her. Then the day later, she came to me and said she did it. She went with him. And that's how it was everyday. There were days here and there when she came to me and said she didn't do it. The weird thing was, she never ever lied to me. When she did it, which was 80% of the time, she admitted it right away. So when she said she didn't do it, I knew she didn't. Then one day in late November she came to me the next day, crying her soar eyes out. "Oh my gosh, what's the matter!?" I said alerted. She looked sooo red-faced and her shirt was soaked from tears. "He beat me" she cried. "What?!" I asked. "He beat me up" I added. "Who beat you up, beat you up how?" I asked concerned and fastly. "Lucas did, he hit me and hit me really hard and I have red bruises on me here and here and here" she said pointing at places on her. "Look at this" she said, lifting up her shirt a little and showed me the side of her stomach which had a big black bruise. "" I said with my jaw dropped. "You gotta go to the nurse!" I cried. "What? No!!" Maya called pulling me back. "What why?" I asked sadly. "He'll kill me, he'll hate me. The he'll kill me" she cried, wiping her face. "No, getting help is the best solution" I said. "No, please don't. I'm always honest with you and I don't wanna get hurt. Do this for me?" she said. I could see the innocence in her, she must've done something to make Lucas go so awol on her. "Poor girl..." I thought in my head as I looked at the side of her arm, bruised. "Maya, he's abusing you" I warned. "No, I don't care. He will hurt me again, if I get him into any trouble. You can't tell anyone, he can't know I told" she cried. I could see she was so scared, concerned for her own safety. If it was to keep him from beating her senselessly, I guess it was the best idea. I sighed. "Okay, fine. I won't tell" I said. "I always tell you the truth, so if I ask you if you told, don't lie to me." she said walking away. "Okay" I said. "And don't tell!" she shouted from a distance. I sat in my desk that day and looked at Lucas. "Gonna kill 'em" I thought, shaking my head in discouragement. Then Maya came to me and said she just wanted it to be the way it was again. She didn't want it to be this way, she wanted her friends back. "I don't want it to be weird between me and Lucas. I miss our old relationship and everyone's old relationships" she said. All she wanted was for it to go back to normal. Then adventually she made it there. She kept going back to Lucas, because everyone was forcing her to. She didn't want to, but what choice did she have. Then adventually, she got out of it and she hasn't had such an off relationship with him for a while now. He's been going against her, hating her for doing nothing to him, but he doesn't beat her up anymore. I would know if he did. She would tell me if they did that anymore. For what I know, they are back to normal again. It was a rock hard journey that was. It was tough to get back to where she started with him. But she still isn't. He's always rude to her and she can never stand him. He was my partner on a health project and she made me leave him because he was rude. He doesn't beat her up anymore, so that's good. She was loved, hated and beaten and she got out of it all. That was a hard journey, it must've been. To be apart of it, to be Maya's go-to-gal, it was hard to hear that every single day. She came to me with bruises I never have seen anything like before. I honestly wonder how he was beating her, how she got those bruises to look the way they did. She made it so far, and for those of you who don't know how hard it's been and exactly what she's been through, now you do. She never revealed it in such detail before, not even on her blog. She's never told the story how I just did. Remember, you have no idea what the person beside you has been through. Now you do. So remember, it's all over and everyone's okay now. This was hard to write and hard to experience. For anyone going through what Maya went through, or even being in my posistion, having one of your friends being beaten senselessly by anyone, just remember, do whatever it takes to protect their safety. Avoid getting anyone even more hurt. I'm sorry it was so long, just be aware that people have gone through more than you think. Remember that.

So that's Maya, the poor little beaten girl but she looks pretty normal, don't you think? She's happy, she's not bruised up and she looks like any other girl. This picture was taken recently and like I said, she managed to get out of being beaten up and her bruises from November-December went away and she looks normal now. She's relatively happy most of the time now. She has her little mishaps here and there, but everyone does. She is pretty adorable and average lookin' I would say. She's got no problem with her friendships that much anymore, she's got something else she's dealing with right now, I'm not sure exactly what, but that's what I heard. She's a content little girl living the normal life of a 14-year-old 7th Grader. Which doesn't happen often, so Maya's one in a million! She's super cute though, I'd say she's cuter than me! She's not that confident though, after being beaten and emotionally rubbed off on all the time, she must not feel any better than she did before. I never mentioned that because I sorta forgot. He hit her lots, but he also insulted her rapidly along with it. She was low on confidence back then and still is now, but now that she's not going through such a hard thing with Lucas anymore, she's a bit better with her confidence. So anyway, that's her. She's pretty average now I'd say, yeah.

Me and My Friends

So today I am going to show you all some pictures of me and my friends. I haven't shown any pictures of me besides for my blogger profile so far, so this is where I'm going to share some pictures of me and my friends for the first time.

This is me. I have curly brown hair and glasses. I said I wear them somtimes, but not all the time. I was talking to Maya's mom, telling her that actresses are just people who never grow up. That's what my dad says even though he's a director.

This is me when I'm not wearing my glasses. I was talking to the lunch lady, Geralyn. She calls me three-taco Sarah because I always have 3 tacos on Taco Tuesday for lunch. I LOVE tacos!

This is me and my best friend, Darby. See, she's tall and blonde. She told Riley and Farkle that she would give them her brother just to get one of their muffins. They were super delicious!! 

That's me in art class. Our art teacher is Miss Kossal, she kinda favorites Maya over the rest of the class because she's so good at art. That's Farkle behind me, he was the male model. We had to draw him, Mrs Kossal said most people will look like him and we won't see many beautiful people who look like Lucas, Darby's crush.

That is me at my very first school dance. I am hanging out with my friends, Chelsea Brentwell and Alisha Clarkson. They are two of my average friends, I don't hang out with them that much, but we still consider each other friends.

So this is me on Halloween in gym class. We were playing softball and I brought my very own bat in to bat with. When I was younger I played with my dad, we always played softball, he got my my own bat and taught me how to play.

This is me wearing my written flaw on my head. I was afraid because lots of things scare me and I chicken out alot on things. I don't really get involved in class disucssions like Maya does, I am kina of afraid to. Darby's flaw was tattletale because she is always telling on people. She even told on herself once, for accidently tripping someone in the hall, and it wasn't even on purpose, she still told on herself. I am also often afraid to run across to the other side when we play capture the flag. Maya told me to run across, we would go together. "3 2 1" she said and ran across and I hesitated and stayed back. When she got to the loop, she looked at me all upset. I mouthed "sorry" at her, and she shrugged her shoulders. So I am kind of afraid of a lot of things.

That's me, Maya and Riley. We were at an outdoor playground place together. That was earlier in October I'm pretty sure. Yeah, it was that far back. It was still warm in New York in October. It's freezing here now!

So those are pictures of me and my friends. I love them all and am glad that I could share the memories with anyone reading this! I know I'm not gonna get a lot of views, but I just want the people who do read it to enjoy it!

The Reason for Being Here

My name is Sarah, and I live in New York City in Greenwich Village. Welcome to my blog, Sarah's Way of Life. I am writing this blog because there is alot that goes on, not just with me, but with my friends and the people I know. There are many sides of each story there is and I am here to share my side of each story, everything that happens to me. I want to share how I feel and what I know about situations before anyone judges. I am 13 years old and I go to John Quincy Adams Middle School in 7th Grade. My dad is a director, so I see alot of movie premieres. He can give jobs to actresses, he once let me be in a commerical for kids when I was 6 years old. My best friend who I've known for a while now, her name is Darby. Darby is tall with dark blonde hair and she is also 13 years old. She is very hyperactive and outgoing and has one brother. She has an impecable sense of style. She has a crush on this kid in our class, Lucas. He was new at the beginning of the year, she stares at him all the time. I don't even think he notices. One of my other close friends, Maya Hart, she is also in my 7th Grade class. Maya is 14, not like the rest of the 7th Graders because she was held back a year when she was younger, she failed the whole grade, I'm not sure exactly which one. She is an only child and lives with just her mom. She is often with me because she despises her only other friend in our class, Lucas. The same Lucas that Darby has a crush on. Maya's best friend, Riley also has a crush on Lucas. Which could be kinda weird if anything were to actually happen with that and conflict started up. So Maya is kind of a rebel, she started a homework rebellion in class once, I don't know why she is that way but lots of people are just misbehaved like that. So you can follow me on Google+ at this like HERE. Thanks for reading my blog!