Monday, February 2, 2015

You Break Her Heart, I'll Break Your Face

So last night I gave Maya a pep talk about how Riley and Auggie's parents are not going to treat her the same as they do their own kids, because she isn't. Your own kids are special and you can't treat them the same as someone else's kid. So then I started telling her that I was sorry about Shawn being in the hospital and Riley being a lying actress and all too. She told me that everyone good she meets, goes somewhere and everyone bad she meets stays with her. It's true, we go to class everyday and first thing in homeroom, she sits next to her worst enemy. Then she comes home and sees her even worse enemy, Riley. Then she goes to her actual home and there's her mom who pays no attention to her, hasn't been there for her. I see why she'd believe all the bad people stick. Then the good people, Shawn is in the hospital and may never wake up from a coma, Auggie isn't allowed to be Maya's friend because of Riley, and I'm the only blessing she has, she said. I'm the only good person that stayed. Look at that, I can be a friend and so can she, we work together. So then online she has some people from Google+ (I'm not gonna name any names) like 2 people, only 2 because the rest see Riley as the demon sister she is who are posting things about her and I said it was done. One person told her to shut up because Maya claimed he was pittying on Riley and I drew the line. Nobody says that to my best friend, nuh uh. They wanna say that, they'll regret it. She's my best friend, if you break her heart I'll break your face. That is not my original quote, I found it somewhere so I'm not taking credit for what is also my post title!

See? Not originally mine. There's lots for it on Google images so I clearly cannot claim it as mine. Maya's had a rough day today, thinking about Shawn and that easily brings her down. "Everything happens to me" she claims whenever the topic comes up. She's really hated her enemies today, the girl from school and Riley, hates 'em both really badly today. When that girl wanted to join our "Mission Impossible" group in gym class today, Maya hated her so much, she didn't hesitate to say "Yeah no!" right in front of her and all Maya's group members, including me. Besides for me and her there are 5 other girls in our group. Then after school when she heard someone say Riley's name she almost freaked out in disgust. During lunch she said she hated the girl from school more, then when she saw Riley she hated her again too. She can't decide at this point and hates the guts of both those girls and claimed how similar they were last night. "They are our designated ugly fat friends" she said in the halls at school after lunch. "Dismounting the friend part" she added. She hates her enemies really badly today, she freaked when the super annoying boy from the other class who has gym with us, when she found out he was in our leadership class this semester, she almost threw up. She hates them all really badly today, lots to do with Shawn and all, she's struggling with that right now and it's biting her in the butt. So in hopes she feels better about people tomorrow, she had a lot of fun in science class today with her group with the nicest girls from our class. But otherwise, she's hated many people today. So pray that gets better and I will too!